Cowboy in Her Classroom | Pam Mantovani | Book Review

When I started reading Cowboy in Her Classroom, I didn’t realize it was part of a series called The Cowboys of Burton Springs. Somehow I overlooked that even though it is right there on the cover. It wasn’t that hard to get into the small town of Burton Springs though so I think that this one can be read as a standalone.

Presley is new in town and a few nights before her new student teaching gig starts, she finds herself at a local beer flirting with a handsome stranger. She doesn’t catch the name of the stranger and doesn’t expected to see him again. That is until he walks into her classroom as the father of one of her students. The attraction between them is still obviously there but the prioroty becomes toe child who is reluctant to go to school.

Shane is a single father raising his daughter Cassie. Her mom is not in the picture as she ran away when she was much younger. He hasn’t really had any desire to be with another woman until his run in with Presley. He is super protective of his daughter and the farm that he has worked on for years. The opportunity to actually take over the farm has presented itself but the question is if he will be able to actually afford to purchase it. Shane is a go-getter type of character, does not like to let anything stand in his way, and does not like to be let down.

The mixture of family, romance, and mystery is well done in Cowboy in Her Classroom. Even though there is an attraction between Presley and Shane, their relationship is a slow burn always taking into consideration what it means for Cassie. There is also an older man who continues to show up at the farm and seems to be taking a special interest in Shane and Cassie. The identity of the man ultimately puts Shane on edge forcing him into super protective mode. If I’m honest, Shane did annoy me during this part because he refused to listen to anyone else and always thought he knew what was best. I wouldn’t have blamed Presley if she had decided to leave town when her teaching gig was over and never look back. The setting of the farm house plays a crucial role in the romance, the mystery, and the family and I enjoyed watching everything unfold.

Rating: 3 Stars

**I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.**

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